Life is not meant to be lived in hindsight. You can not go backwards nothing ever good comes from this because you are not the same person you were even a day ago when you stepped out of a situation into the unknown. Yes, you may feel like you are uprooted and this is okay. Everything needs to be uprooted to grow. If you keep a plant in the same pot it will conform to the pot and stop growing due to its borders. To allow for more growth you must repot your plant into a larger pot with new soil while still keeping the roots
You have been uprooted for expansion. And this will continue to happen throughout the life of the plant and your life. If we stay in our comfortable spot, while we may be content, we will not reach our full potential. The old days of staying in one place for security are no more. This is a scarcity mindset. We have to trust that we were born with our full potential and that the universe will provide the right conditions. There is a deep calling for us to grow and expand otherwise we would not be here reading this at this very moment. Some of you like myself, are uprooted hanging in the wind. We don’t know where we are going but we know we can’t go back because that life and those circumstances no longer hold our energy. We must wake up shake our leaves, and say okay, today is another day to see where this journey takes us. I embrace the lessons and the path. I understand that each step forward nourishes my development. I understand that just like the elements: Earth, Wind, Fire, and Water, may tear down everything in our path that we once knew as reality, while at the same time allowing for new growth in its place. A tower moment if you will. Stagnant water becomes diseased such as stagnant beings becoming complacent. To discover, we must embark on a journey.